March 10, 2024

St. Paul United Church of Christ, Taylor, Michigan
Fourth Sunday in Lent/ March 10, 2024


Silent Prayer and Reflection

God doesn't ask our permission. God doesn't even consult us. God, in fact, brooks
no objection but just goes ahead and gives the    Son over to die...for us.
The Rev. Dr. David Lose

Ringing of the Bell

Announcements/ Welcome                                      Rev. Linda Anderson

Opening Voluntary                                                 John Joanette, pianist

*Call to Worship (Psalm 107)               
Brenda Murphy, lector  One: O give thanks to God who is good; whose steadfast love endures forever.
All: We thank you God, for your steadfast love, for your wonderful works to human kind;

One: Some sit in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains,
All: God brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness and broke away their chains.

One: For God satisfy the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things.

All: Fill our hearts with wisdom that we may ponder the majesty of your loving deeds.

One: The peace of Christ be with you.

All:   And also with you.

*Hymn No. 33  “How Great Thou Art,”     

*Prayer of the Day
Brenda Murphy, lector

Everlasting God, we gather together knowing You are present among us. Guide our hearts and minds to listen for Your word: in our hearts, in our movement, in our prayers. Open us to new insights, to be challenged by the scriptures, to be assured by our songs, to be encouraged in prayer, knowing that You are making all things new, including us. May we be open to the Spirit in this time. Amen.

Anthem “I Surrender All,”                                                     Chancel Choir

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him 

      all creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye 

      heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

First Lesson Numbers 21:4-9                                 Brenda Murphy, lector

Gospel Lesson  John 3:14-21                                   Rev. Linda Anderson

Message  “Snakes and Serpents Abound,”             Rev. Linda Anderson

*Hymn No. 323  “Wonderful Words of Life”

A Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy            

   kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give  

   us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we  

   forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver       

   us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, the power and the  

    glory, forever and ever Amen.                                                                                        

*Hymn No. 72  “To God Be the Glory”

*Dismissal with Blessing

Closing Voluntary/ Recessional: Please remain in your pews as the
Light of Christ leads the way into the world followed by our Pastor.



WELCOME TO ALL SHARING TODAY’S MORNING SERVICE IN PERSON AND FACEBOOK LIVESTREAMING which can be viewed on Facebook at other times as well.  Facebook has made some changes to their live streaming and video viewing. Videos are no longer being stored on our website for viewing later; You must have a Facebook account to view our Worship Services live each Sunday; You must have a Facebook account to view our Worship Services at a different time. It is possible to set up a Facebook account and not be engaged in the Social Media aspect, but you must have a legitimate email address. Please contact any member of the IT Ministry (Dan Case, Gary Peters, or Michael Isaacs) if you have questions/ need more information.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will gather upstairs for a lesson, craft, and snack.

PLEASE JOIN US in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship for beverages, donuts, and fellowship.  All are welcome.

TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will gather at 10:30 a.m. in the West Room. Lead by interim pastor Reverend Linda Anderson.  All are welcome. For more info call the office (313.291.1221).

EXERCISE CLASS MEETS Wednesday mornings, 10:30 a.m. in the West Room.  All are welcome to join for fun and fellowship. Contact Kathy Williams for more information.  

CHOIR REHEARSAL Wednesday evenings, 7 p.m. in the West Room. New voices are always welcome.  Contact Music Director, Tracy Hoffman, for more information.

FELLOWSHIP OF CONCERN: Mark Ennis, Fred Miller, Sandi Rose, Denise St. Louis, Carol Wioncek, Sally Sigman, Joan Smarr, Justine Kimbler, Joe Mayfield, Suzanne Bennett, Dennis Bennett, Brody Howell, Bob & Shirley Robinson, Evelyn Szor, Ailani Flores, Sue Milatz, Linda Tank, Rachel Tank, Jennifer Lee, Kyle Hard, Bill Pattenaude, Marybeth Staffeld Gibbs, Randy Snelson, Ted Butkin, Kevin Siemers, Rhonda Wioncek Berndt, Jeff MacZink.  Condolences: Justine Kimbler and the Healey Family.

2024 LENTEN FISH DINNERS – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our congregation is hosting drive-thru fish dinners on Friday, March 15, 22, 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Menu: three pieces of Cod, Cole slaw, French fries, roll/ butter, and a pie slice or brownie. The children’s meal is two pieces of fish plus everything else in the adult meal. Dinners are $14.00 adults and $5.00 (4-12 years). Volunteer help is needed for each dinner. To volunteer, please contact Jim Poet or the church office (313.291.1221).

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING is received during the month of March. You are invited to participate in this UCC Mission Offering which assists our Christian friends world-wide in the development of health and education, disaster and refugee relief. An offering envelope is included in the March Tidings and available in the Narthex.  See an usher for assistance. We also offer the option of making your donation through our electronic giving process. Visit us at www.stpaulucctaylor. org/giving, click on the blue Online Giving button, scroll through the “Donations” listing, select UCC – One Great Hour of Sharing and enter the amount of your donation. Please prayerfully consider your gift to those in need.

ORDER YOUR EASTER LILY.  White envelopes (found in the pew racks) are due no later than Sunday, March 24.  Lilies will be displayed in the sanctuary on Easter morning and can be taken after service.  Please indicate whom you would like to honor or commemorate. The ‘Lily List’ is published in the Easter morning bulletin and on the church website. $10 each Lily plant.

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH DESIGNATED AS “MISSION SUNDAY”.  A monthly mission/ outreach will be shared throughout the month by means of newsletter, morning bulletin and emails. While items for the mission/ outreach will be collected throughout the month, they will be gathered and blessed on the third Sunday of the month.  All are encouraged to bring in non-perishable food items for March’s Mission to benefit the Fish & Loaves Food Pantry. Collection containers will be set up in the narthex, Christian Education department and west lobby. Please contact Pastor Schalm with any questions.

2024 FLOWER CHART IS UP IN THE NARTHEX.  Altar vases are $15.00 for one vase, $30.00 for two.  Sharing altar flowers is a nice way to honor a loved one or commemorate a special life event.                                             



Calendar Week March 10 – March 17

Sunday         Worship 10:00 a.m. – Rev. Linda Anderson

                       Sunday School 10:00 a.m./ Coffee hour 11:00 a.m./ Christian Education &

                       Teacher Meeting 11:15 a.m. – Parlor

Tuesday        Bible Study 10:30 a.m./ Council 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday  Exercise 10:30 a.m./ Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.

Friday            Drive-thru Fish Supper 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Sunday          Worship 10:00 a.m. – Pastor Cheryl Schalm

                        Mission Sunday/ Sunday School 10:00 a.m./ Bock Family Baptism 10:00 a.m./ Coffee

                        Hour 11:00 a.m.


The Rev. Linda Anderson, Interim Minister
Tracy Hoffman, Music Director
John Joanette, Pianist
Brenda Murphy, Liturgist
Dan Case, Council Rep
Jeannette Wackro, Deacon