Time and Talent – How Can I Help?

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all."   --1 Corinthians 12:4-7


When men and women feel a genuine sense of belonging to the body of Christ, they inevitably hear Christ calling them to care, share, and help. There are many different ways in which newcomers can make a difference in the life of our congregation. But there are a number of opportunities that especially stand out as we worship together and sustain a variety of ministries. Consider these:

 Acolyte  The position of acolyte is one of the oldest in the Christian churches. He or she has responsibility for lighting and extinguishing the chancel candles at the start and finish of our worship services. Our confirmation students serve as acolytes September through April but are not available at other times or even for every service during their class "season." A video tape and printed brochure are available to provide instruction and guidance for new volunteers. Please speak with the senior deacon about your interest.
Additional information can be viewed at: Directions for Acolyting.

Bell Ringer  The present bell in our church belfry has rung for services at St. Paul United Church of Christ since 1911. Bell ringers are needed for daytime and evening services held during the week. Bell ringing is not difficult and training is provided. Please speak with the senior deacon about your interest.

Choir Member  Our church has Chancel, Hand Bell, and Cherub Choirs, which provide music for Sunday morning worship and other occasions. Choir volunteers are warmly welcomed. No auditions necessary. Training is provided. Please speak with the director of music about your interest.

Christian Education Teacher  Our congregation has a strong and positive educational ministry for children and youth. Each year, teachers and other classrooms volunteers are needed for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and the Summer Sunday program. Training and guidance is provided. If interested in volunteering, please speak with the director of Christian education.

ChristNet Host  Our congregation annually hosts the ChristNet emergency shelter for a full week. Over the course of seven nights, twenty eight men and women need to be on hand for either the 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. or the 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. shelter shifts. In addition, help is needed with food, laundry and transporting equipment. If you are interested in serving as a host for a night shift or volunteering in some other capacity, please speak with the ChristNet coordinator.

Gardener  Our professional groundskeeper does a wonderful job of maintaining the acreage surrounding the church. But, besides being a labor of love, lawn and garden maintenance is always a labor-intensive job. Another helping hand, extended regularly or occasionally, would be welcomed. If interested, please speak with the office administrative assistant.

Lector  On Sunday mornings and at other worship services, volunteers read the scripture lessons aloud to the congregation from the lectern at the front of the church. Every fall a lectors' banquet is held to provide orientation and training for new volunteer lectors. Good diction and some degree of public reading confidence are important. If you are interested in volunteering to become a lector, please speak with the pastor or the Lector coordinator.
Additional information can be found at: Becoming a More Effective Lector.

Merry Mailer  Every month a group of volunteers gathers to help collate and prepare for mailing our monthly church newsletter, The Tidings. Afterwards they pause for refreshments and fellowship. The collation work is not difficult: the more hands the merrier. If you are interested in joining the Merry Mailers on the fourth Monday of every month, please speak with the office administrative assistant.

Nursery Attendant/Coordinator  In order to meet the needs of young families attending St. Paul United Church of Christ, our congregation seeks to provide best nursery care it can for all infants during services and programs. Volunteers are needed to help us insure that every infant receives high caring, high quality nursery care. If you are interested in volunteering for the nursery, please speak with the director of Christian education.

Office Helper  Our church office, which is so central to the wider ministry of our congregation, publishes a monthly newsletter, plus a weekly morning bulletin, to keep members updated and informed. In any given week, one or two church mailings are also prepared and mailed out. Additional help is always needed and appreciated to help insure that the important work of our church office gets done. If you would like to volunteer, speak with the office administrative assistant.

Sound System Technician  Our church recently installed a new sound system to be used during worship. Controls for the sound system are located in custom-designed cabinet in the sanctuary balcony. Sound system operational training is offered several times per year. If you would like to volunteer as a sound tech, please speak with the sound system coordinator.

Usher  Prior to every worship service, members of the congregation join Council representatives in greeting and ushering worshipers. Afterwards, the ushers also assist in straightening up the sanctuary so that it is ready for the next service, whether that morning or next week. The shared camaraderie is great. An ushers' banquet is held every fall to provide an orientation to new volunteers. If you are interested in serving as an usher, please speak with the presiding deacon on Sunday mornings. Additional information on Ushering can be found at : Some Guideposts for the Fine Art of Ushering.

Visiting Elder  Our many home-bound members appreciate visits from the pastor and church members. The Visiting Elders meet approximately every two months with the pastor to review care and outreach to the home-bound members of our congregation. Between meetings, each Visiting Elder takes it upon him or herself to visit the two or three home-bound members who can benefit from our pastoral outreach. If you are interested in being a part of this caring ministry, please speak with the senior pastor.

Worship Leader  In the absence of the pastor, designated lay worship leaders are periodically called upon to lead Sunday morning worship, offering prayers and announcements. Alongside our lectors, the work of our volunteer Worship Leaders affirms what Martin Luther called "the priesthood of all believers." Prospective lay worship leaders should feel confident with public speaking and have a desire to share in this special ministry. Interested men and women should speak directly to the senior pastor.