Mind, Body, and Spirit Programs
Upcoming programs are also announced in our
Sunday Morning Tide bulletins and Monthly Tidings Newsletters.
Exercise Class Continues
Exercise classes are held on Wednesday’s from 10:30 -11:30 A.M. in Fellowship Hall or the West room. Our instructor Delissa Hampton is there every step of the way to cheer you on to work at whatever pace you can do. All exercises can be done in a seated or standing position with or with the use of a chair, or a combination of both. A small donation of $3 to $5 is suggested, but not expected for each class you attend. Hope to see you soon. Can’t make it to class, but want to join us from home? Join us on ZOOM. You must be able to access the internet by computer, I-pad, or phone with video availability. See the information to join the class below. If you would like to participate or have any questions, contact the office or Kathy Williams.
Meditation Class
Meditation class will resume beginning Thursday, February 20 following the exercise class at approximately 12 noon.
Health/Medical Supplies Available
If you have or need medical supplies, such as walkers, wheelchairs, please contact our parish nurse or the office. We need more canes if anyone has extra canes or other equipment.
Join Exercise Class Zoom Meeting Link:
to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Below are some helpful websites to visit for ideas:
Healthy Eating Plate - Harvard Health
Exercise & Fitness - Harvard Health
The Health Benefits of Tai Chi - Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Health
Fitness Fitness basics - Mayo Clinic
Slide show: A guide to basic stretches - Mayo Clinic
Slide show: Yoga poses - Mayo Clinic
Yoga: Fight stress and find serenity - Mayo Clinic
Core exercises: Why you should strengthen your core muscles - Mayo Clinic
Slide show: Exercises to improve your core strength - Mayo Clinic-
Aerobic exercise: Top 10 reasons to get physical - Mayo Clinic
Exercise and calorie burning activity chart
Better breathing and relaxation/meditation
2 minute slow breathing exercise for relaxation - Bing video
2-Minute Powerful Breathing Exercise - Bing video
Breathing Exercises: Types and Techniques to Improve Lung Function and Reduce Stress (